Tuesday, January 12, 2021

Tesla Model Y FOMO!

 FOMO - Fear of Missing Out!

Spend any time on forums like the Tesla Motors Club or Facebook groups dedicated to Tesla, and you'll come across many threads or conversations along the lines of 'Should I wait for this feature or that feature before I order?'... Lately, the subject has been the Tesla Model Y, and whether to wait for such features as an updated center console, new headlights, heated steering wheel, HEPA filter, restyled interior.... All of these items are now available on the brand new Made-In-China MY, so the 'assumption' is that they will make their way to the US. However, Tesla never announces when new features or changes will be available, and very rarely makes note of it when they are. Case in point, on Thursday night, January 7, the MY Standard Range RWD model popped up in the Tesla on-line configurator, as did the long-awaited third row seating. No announcement, no notification. They just appeared! Elon Musk will occasionally talk up coming enhancements on Twitter, but these have tended to be more software-focused recently. 

Prior to the items mentioned above, the wait was for items that became available on the Model 3 - double-pane front windows, a USB port (with Tesla-branded USB stick) in the glovebox (to secure your Sentry footage), an updated steering wheel with metal-look added to the scroll wheels, and the aforementioned updated console. All of these items were added to the M3 in the mid-October timeframe (no announcements) so naturally folks wanted these on the MY as well, and it seems reasonable as the M3 and MY share about 75% of their parts. All but the new console have been added in the US MY as of now.

I have been planning on ordering a MY LR AWD this month (on my birthday!) and hoping to get a March delivery. I was hoping to get the new console and heated wheel, but I didn't consider them showstoppers. But the more I think about it, the more FOMO kicks and and not I really WANT those items! Fortunately, I have a couple of weeks before I had planned to order, and don't really have an issue putting it off a bit. 

Aha, an update - there are postings on Twitter and Reddit that show a MY Standard Range RWD (the one just announced last week) with a heated wheel, so looks like one item is available now. So FOMO has been reduced a bit. Now just need the console, new lights and HEPA filter! 

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